Thank you Adam Johnson !!
###That time of the year 🙋♂️
I'm only left with few months to finish the Bsc of Computer Science (Honours) degree AND I'm working on my final year project using Django/Python.
###Hey Man !!! I don't know how to reward you Adam but the piece of resources you shared with me through blogs, PyCon talks, chatting on WhatsApp and email changed my life. Hopefully, at the end of the year, I will obtain my second Computer Science qualification at the University Of Namibia.Thank you, you played a role in my journey.
If you are an upcoming or aspiring web developer or you want some cool stuff about Django and Python i recommend to visit Adam Johnson website for blog post that cover plenty of topics. Find him here
Who is Adam?
✍️ I'm an author and "solo consultant" working with Ansible, AWS,
Django, and Python.
🦄 I'm a member of the Django project Technical Board (2.2, 3.0, and 3.1 release cycles),
and a co-organizer of the The London Django Meetup.
New Book: “Speed Up Your Django Tests”
Released on the 18th May, my new book has lots of advice to
make your Django project's tests faster.
We first met in Cardiff at PyCon UK 2018 and again in Namibia for our PyCon.
He's always behind my back, pushing me, advising me.
He's one of the special people in my life.
I like his way of doing things, writing cool stuffs and always on point.
Thanks Adam